Students who are applying for an undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree in the USA may need to take the SAT in addition to the TOEFL or IELTS, depending on the requirements of the colleges they are applying to. Some colleges in the USA will require SAT, some may recommend it, and some will not require it. To gain entrance into competitive colleges especially – and to compete for scholarships – USEF-Nepal highly recommends that undergraduate applicants take the SAT.

There are two types of SAT available: SAT I (Reasoning Test) , and SAT II (Subject Tests) . SAT I consists of critical reading, math, and writing components. SAT II exams are offered in about 15 different subjects, such as Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, etc.

SAT exams are paper-based tests and are offered up to six days per year at Lincoln School and/ or St. Xavier’s School. You may take either SAT I or SAT II on any given exam date. You may take up to three SAT II exams per test date (each test is an hour long)

Scores on standardized tests like the SAT-I (Reasoning Test) and the SAT-II (Subject Tests) help colleges compare the academic achievements of students from different schools across different countries because courses and grading standards vary widely. They also help you to compare your reasoning abilities and academic strengths with those of more than 2.5 million students who take these tests each year.

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